Innovations in CRAMS How Indian Pharma Companies are Revolutionizing the Industry

Innovations in CRAMS: How Indian Pharma Companies are Revolutionizing the Industry

An era of COVID has indeed changed the whole scenario in the pharmaceutical industry. With the wide range of disruptions and challenges fought due to the coronavirus, various technologies like AI (Artificial Intelligence), quantum computing etc., have got acceptance by different pharmaceutical companies to help conduct R&D efforts, create personalized products and much more. 

In this, the Contract Research and Manufacturing Services or CRAMS, a rapidly growing industry has revolutionized the pharmaceutical industry. They provide cost-effective solutions to pharmaceutical companies, allowing them to focus on their core competencies. 

In all this, innovation is a must and is at the heart of the CRAMS industry. India is one of the leading players in the CRAMS industry, with its pharma companies at the forefront of innovation. Moreover, the global CRO (Contract Research Organisation) as per market value has mainly, reached $39 billion in 2018 and around $44 billion in 2021. 

In this article, we will explain the innovations in CRAMS and how Indian pharma companies are revolutionizing the industry.

What is CRAMS?

CRAMS stands for Contract Research and Manufacturing Services. It involves outsourcing drug development, manufacturing, and research services to third-party providers. It is a procedure where the product’s parent doesn’t produce the item themselves but gets it done by other organizations known as Contract Research Organisations (CRO). 

While understanding CRAMS, there are some important aspects including:

  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Quality assurance
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Intellectual property
  • Process improvement.

Cost-Effective Solutions:

One of the primary advantages of CRAMS is the cost-effective solutions it offers. By outsourcing drug development, manufacturing, and research services, pharmaceutical companies can focus on their core competencies and reduce costs. The involvement of CRAMS in research and manufacturing services offers cost-effective solutions to pharmaceutical companies, allowing them to develop and manufacture drugs and make them available at a lower cost.

Quality Assurance:

Quality assurance is critical in the CRAMS industry, and Indian pharma companies like Globela Pharma ensure that they meet regulatory requirements and maintain high-quality standards. Without proper quality assurance, the drugs manufactured by drug manufacturing companies may cause harm to the patient. 

The various pharma companies rely upon the contract service provider to accelerate research and manufacturing services. Indian pharma companies are investing in quality assurance processes, including quality control and quality assurance systems, to ensure that drugs meet regulatory requirements and are safe for patients.

Regulatory Compliance:

Regulatory compliance is another salient feature of the CRAMS industry. Indian pharma companies like Globela Pharma are ensuring that they comply with all regulatory requirements to be fulfilled. They are investing in regulatory compliance processes to ensure that drugs meet all regulatory requirements and are safe for patients. 

This process is necessary for the safety of individuals consuming drugs and other medicated products. Any inferior or ignorant quality procedure at any stage can compromise the health of the patients. Hence, it is vital to regulate proper regulatory compliance to keep the health of individuals uncompromised.

Intellectual Property:

Intellectual property is an asset that pertains to original and novel creations from the human brain or intellect. It may include copyrights, patents and regulatory licences. The Indian pharma companies are ensuring that they protect their intellectual property. Indian pharma companies are investing in intellectual property processes, including patent protection and trademark registration, to protect their innovations and ensure they are not infringed upon.

Process Improvement:

Improvement is something that any working era always has a space for. So is in the CRAMS industry as well. The Indian pharma companies are continuously improving their processes to increase availability, efficiency and reduce costs. 

They are investing in process improvement processes, including lean manufacturing, availability, and affordability of manufacturing services at a very minimal and justified amount.

Innovations in the field of CRAMs

One of the innovations in the CRAMS industry is the use of technology to improve drug development and manufacturing processes. Indian pharma companies are leveraging technology to develop new drugs, improve manufacturing processes, and ensure regulatory compliance. These all require constant efforts and various authentic technologies and collaboration with other companies to maintain quality assurance and the best results.

Technologies aiding in revolutionizing the industry:

One of the innovations in the CRAMS industry is the use of technology to improve drug development and manufacturing processes.

A few innovations that promote revolutionary change and progress in the industry are:

  • AI or Artificial Intelligence – AI is helping industries accelerate the discovery and manufacturing process of drugs. 
  • Huge data and analytics – The cost of production of medicines become the biggest hurdle in launching a new medicine. However, by using data and analytics, Indian Pharmaceutical companies can reduce the exploration cycles and make the new drug or vaccines available sooner for use. 
  • Bioprinting – One of the biggest challenges that are faced by Pharmaceutical companies is clinical trials. Bioprinting technology enables the exact imitation of human organs using the 3D technique. Pharmaceutical companies check the efficacy and effects of a drug on live subjects to observe all the vital changes. Hopefully, bioprinting now can save time as well as effort and also has reduced the dependency on live subjects to initiate clinical trials. 

Role of Collaboration to Uplift the Indian Pharma Companies

Another innovation in the CRAMS industry is collaboration. Indian pharma companies are collaborating with other companies and research organizations to promote drug development, cost-effective solutions, improve manufacturing processes, and share knowledge and expertise. 

This collaboration allows companies to pool resources and knowledge, leading to faster drug development and improved manufacturing processes. Moreover, the companies like globelapharma are working on great R&D efforts, quality manufacturing, and a sturdy distribution system with collaboration. 


The Indian pharma companies are revolutionizing the CRAMS industry and paving the way for the development of new and innovative drugs. Through new technologies, collaboration, etc., pharmaceutical companies are getting the support they need to achieve growth, find flaws, initiate new conversions, and ultimately provide better health care. 

Moreover, India has already presented itself to be a cost-efficient and quality manufacturer for many Pharma companies. Therefore, with technological advancements and innovations continuing to progress, the pharmaceutical industry is expected to grow and evolve quickly. Thus, its demand will increase in the future throughout the world.

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